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What’s new?

January 15, 2025

            Daily visitors to Prophecy Viewpoint website have increased to average 7000. Wow! That’s a seven fold increase since we moved our ad to X (Twitter). We believe the algorithms at google and bing, were suppressing. This past Sunday, we saw 13K+ visitors. Just in that one day! When folks are using identity blocking programs, we don’t “see” them. So the numbers of visitors to, may be much, much higher. This world must be nearing the end of this age. Folks from every culture feel it - that something is about to happen. And I don’t think it’s just Donald Trump.

            IMPORTANT: Most folks will need to REFRESH everything in order to see the latest content. As I have recorded the teachings, the process has highlighted areas of each written study that need fine tuning for better clarification. That’s a good thing! I just want the studies to be the best they can be.

            Those of you who have followed our website for some 30 years, know how far we have come. We remain an independent ministry. Everything on our website is FREE. We do not accept donations. We are just one voice among thousands. We believe the Master Yeshua helps individuals who are searching with open minds, to find our website. Those who wish to help our website can like us on Twitter and Facebook. Thanks much.

            We do not feel the truth can be owned. We hope folks will share concepts from the studies, with their pastors, or rabbis, or home study groups. If you can give us credit, that’s nice. But not absolutely necessary. I remember an email, some 30 years ago, from a pastor in Slovenia. I had to get a map. He requested permission to translate the studies into Slovene, to preach to his congregation. Which permission I quickly and thankfully gave. Such interactions lift my spirit and keep me going.

            Folks have asked what teachings set us apart. First, I would say, is our belief that the 7 last plagues (the “wrath” plagues) will wipe out all human life on planet earth. Hardly anyone is teaching this. Second, is our belief that “the rest of the dead” (Rev 20:5) will NOT be all of the condemned wicked from the entire span of time since Eve ate the fruit. We believe they will be all of those who lived and died in ignorance of God the Father and His Son. We believe many, many people will be “saved,” from that group, during the 8th millennium. Third, is our belief that both God the Father and His Son, are divine, and should be worshiped. Both Father and Son will be “the Temple” of the New Jerusalem (Rev 21:22). We do NOT believe “the Spirit” is a third divine “person” or “being.” We believe God the Father IS “spirit.” Ephesians 4:6 describes our “one God and Father” as “above all, through all and in you all” (meaning “in” all believers). The Father is invisible. The Son became visible. Hope I have peaked your interest.  May our God richly bless you and protect you.

Please keep up your prayers for us, and for all our visitors.


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